Tel : 011 421 3231
After Hours : 083 949 6711

About Us

Then ...

Masterkey Locksmiths (former-ly known as Masterkey Home Services) was founded in 1910 as a locksmith business that included services such as chimney sweeping and fumigation.

The then owner, Mr R.R. Martin, became well respected in the Benoni community and was the preferred service provider in the area.

Mr R.R. Martin also contributed to highlighting the need for security measures to be implemented by government and the police department regarding the locksmith industry.

Now ...

More than 100 years later, and Masterkey Locksmiths is still a highly reputable and trusted locksmith provider in the East of Johannesburg (Ekurhuleni).

The current owner, Mr Johann du Preez, took over the business in 1988. Mr du Preez, a qualified locksmith himself, has continued to take the business to new heights. Mr du Preez is also highly respected in the industry, being an Executive Member of the Locksmith Association of South Africa, fulfilling the roles of Treasurer, Chairman and Vice Chairman, and working towards improving the regulations regarding the role of locksmiths in the security industry. Together with SAQA, he also plays an integral part in developing the standard of qualification for locksmith students as well as lecturing the qualification at FET College Mamelodi and Benoni.

Masterkey Locksmiths is a member of LASA and registered with PSIRA. Our locksmiths are fully qualified and individually registered, as required by law, with PSIRA. This ensures that the customer receives the best service and no compromise in security.

Click below to view some old newspaper clippings and letters ...


The Locksmiths Creed

  • A Locksmith always remembers his public trust.
  • With him rests security of property.
  • With him rests security of property and fortune.
  • As a public guardian he shuns dishonest, the wicked and avaricious.
  • For thousands of years he and his predecessors have placed trust and honour above temptation.
  • He is an artist at his trade and the symbol of Skill and Integrity to the world.

Locksmiths Code Of Ethics

  • To conduct his business in an ethical and dignified manner; to avoid using any improper or unlawful methods of soliciting work and decline to pay or accept remuneration for such compatible patronage;
  • To ensure that all work is done to the highest possible standard of efficiency;
  • To analyse properly and impartially security problems receiving his attention and to advance the best possible solution for the needs of his client.
  • To co-operate in advancing the best interests of the locksmithing trade by interchange of general information and experience with his fellow locksmiths;
  • To refrain from associating himself with or allowing the use of his name by any enterprise of questionable nature, or in any manner countenancing misrepresentation;
  • To encourage and promote loyalty for his craft and to interest himself in public welfare, always ready to apply his special knowledge, skill and training for the use and betterment of his craft.
  • To maintain on behalf of his clients the secrecy and security of any system codes – numbers, keys or lock positions which may be entrusted to him or which he might become aware of during the course of his professional work;
  • To refrain from associating himself with any person or enterprise which, to his knowledge, has been found guilty of a criminal offence or whom he reasonable believes has committed a criminal offence.

Masterkey Locksmiths makes use of the best equipment and machines to keep up with constantly changing technologies and customer requirements. Thus our locksmiths are trained on a regular basis to ensure our service is of the best quality and allows for a broader range of services offered, including access control and CCTV installations.

Masterkey Locksmiths endeavours to provide a learning platform for staff of a previously disadvantaged background so that they may be fairly promoted should vacant positions arise within its structure. Most of our staff compliment have been with the company for many years and share a passion for the industry.

Masterkey Locksmith’s commercial client base includes many local small to medium businesses, JSE listed companies, municipalities, schools, insurance companies, mines and car dealerships.

With such a successful and long-standing position in the community and industry, trust MASTERKEY LOCKSMITHS for all of your locksmith and physical security requirements!

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